Wednesday, July 29, 2009

It’s been so long, and it’s amazing how quickly time is flying by! Jack has become so alert and active that it’s hard to find a moment to sit down and write about all he’s up to (and of course, when I do have a moment, I’m so happy to just sit and do nothing at all!).

Jack will be 20 weeks old tomorrow, which is so hard for me to believe. On one hand, it seems like he was just a newborn while on the other hand, it feels like he’s been here forever and it’s hard to imagine our lives without him.

Right now, Jack and daddy are taking a nap together on the couch, so I’ll take the opportunity to give you all a quick update on all he’s been up to!

And now…

The Top Ten Things You Might Not Know About JACK DONOVAN

10. Jack started rolling over at 15 weeks, and has become quite the pro. He first rolled from his stomach onto his back (I think it was because he hated being on his tummy), and then a few days later rolled from his back onto his tummy. These days, he loves to roll from his back onto his tummy and then play with his toys!

9. Jack is discovering new things about his body every day, and it’s so cute to watch! He loves to play with his feet, eat his toes, scratch his head, suck on his fingers and thumb, and has just recently figured out that he’s a boy – I like to call him our own little Al Bundy…

8. Jack is “talking” all the time now, which at any given moment could consist of screeching, grunting, cooing, ahhh-ing, and other indescribable noises! He has these hilarious conversations with himself, other people, toys, mirrors, baby dolls and the dogs.

7. Speaking of the dogs, Jack has really noticed them the past week or so, and loves to pet them and grab onto their fur – they are being so good with him, but we’re careful all the time anyway. Yesterday, Cammie was sniffing him and tickled around his ribs, which had him laughing…

6. So yes, Jack has started to laugh! He’s such a serious little guy all the time, and would just smile and laugh silently for the longest time. Just this week he’s started giggling when you tickle him or play with him. What fun!

5. It’s so great to see Jack recognize people and respond to them. Every night when Seth gets home, he just smiles and smiles and smiles at him. He’s done this for lots of others also, and was really cute doing it in Philly this past weekend.

4. Jack is really into his jumperoo (he dances with crazy legs!), his Sophie giraffe, riding in his Baby Bjorn, and playing with toys on his play mat. He has a really short attention span still, and gets soooooo frustrated when he can’t shove something into his mouth the way he wants to.

3. As long as we’re talking about putting things into his mouth, I guess I should mention that Jack is teething. What a miserable thing to go through! Everything has to go into his mouth, and he loves to chomp down hard on our fingers. He’s been really fussy lately as well, and we’ve been trying to help him out with a combination of baby Tylenol, homeopathic teething tablets, and the teething toys like Sophie and his binky. I also have Orajel, but I really don’t want to use that unless necessary since I read some stuff about it potentially numbing their throat and giving them breathing problems. You know me – always worrying about something…

2. Jack had his four-month check-up on Wednesday, July 15th, and we’re really pleased with how he’s growing now! His stats:
* Height: 25 ½ inches - 25th percentile
* Weight: 12 lbs 12oz - 25th percentile (Last Thursday at the breastfeeding support group he weighed slightly over 13 pounds!
* Head: 43 cm - 75th percentile!

He also got the next round of shots, and only cried for a few seconds afterwards – what a good boy J He did have a fever of 101.4 the day after, but it went away by that night.

1. Jack STILL does not sleep! He did go into his own room and his own big boy crib about a month ago, and at first it helped but now he’s still waking up anywhere between 2-5 times each night, and it’s the reason I’m sitting here with an aching body and a confused mind…

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