Thursday, July 30, 2009

Why I can't blog more...

July Pics...

Our one attempt at cereal - it didn't go too well, although Jack really enjoyed himself. We are holding off on starting him on solids for another few weeks, then I have grand illusions of making him organic babyfood...

Jack and Lucy

"And they all rolled over and one fell out..."

Stop taking my picture!

At Grandma's house...

6 pictures and either I looked good or Daddy did!

First "taste" of tomato from the garden with Pocci

Roly Poly

Check out the mohawk...

Not the best pic of me, but I hardly have any since I'm the one always taking the pictures!

Testing out A.J.'s new table

Is this fun or what?!?!

Four generations

At Mimi's house...

Loving on Rocky...

At the Italian Market with Aunt Leah

I think there's an almost identical picture of me as a baby...

NOT happy.

Watching my fave, Sesame Street!

And that's the reason I was able to post yesterday...
Lots going on this month, including a visit from Grandmama and Uncle Marty. Now Joel and Ellie's wedding is coming up this weekend, and Aunt Faith is coming back from London, so I'm sure we'll have lots more pictures to share after that.