Saturday, June 20, 2009

Jack at 3 Months

So Jack is now 3 months old, and boy is he growing up! He is getting to be so much fun, especially when he wakes up in the morning and talks to us :) Here's a quick summary of what the little man is up to...
  • He is truly his father's son - this child LOVES to talk. He'll talk to you, to the fan, to the dogs, basically to anything around. Sound familiar???
  • He will make kissing sounds, clicking sounds or raspberries at you when you do them to him. What a smart boy!
  • He laughs and smiles all the time, but boy can he get mad! He seems to enjoy looking right in your face and just screaming right at you. Geesh!
  • For some reason, he really only wants to be with me the past few days. He pretty much screams whenever anyone else holds him. Now, don't get me wrong. This is wonderful and I'm so glad that he wants to snuggle with me all the time. BUT. It would be nice to get a break and have someone else hold him for more than a minute. I think my back is just about ready to give out!
  • Bedtime is 7ish and he usually wakes up around midnight and 3am to eat. Hopefully as he puts on more weight he will start sleeping through the night. I've heard that 12 pounds is a good indicator, and he's about 11 now.
  • We took our first road trip to Philadelphia this past week to visit Mimi and Aunt Leah. We had a wonderful time - on the trip up, he just played the whole time and on the way home he slept all the way to Glen Burnie (where he then proceeded to poop all over himself - it was literally up to his neck. Gross!)
  • His spitting up seems to have gotten better. We generally only go through 2 outfits a day now, and not nearly as much is coming up when he eats. Yay!
  • Speaking of eating, he really does seem to be getting chubbier. Hopefully that will continue. He's now consistently on the 25th %-ile for both height and weight for the past month, so we think he just was born big and has now settled into his actual size. We're okay with him just being a little peanut :)
  • He's rolled onto his side from both his back and stomach, but can't quite figure out how to get his arm out of the way and roll all the way over. That's okay though, for as alert and active as he is already, I shudder to think of the day when he's mobile!

We have gotten some beautiful and thoughtful baby gifts, and I've been terrible finding time to write thank you notes. So, if you sent a gift and I haven't acknowledged it, I apologize and promise that it's not because we're not appreciative!

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