Sunday, May 31, 2009

A long, long time...

Well, lots has happened since we last visited with young Jack. Mommy went back to work (much more on that at a later date!), Jack has put on a bit of weight and is now up to 10lbs 9oz, and we now have thrush again - for the third time. Ugh.

Re: Work.
The first few days were awful - I cried my eyes out and was a miserable wreck. Now, we've adjusted pretty well to our schedule, and the only thing that's really difficult is the utter exhaustion at the end of the day! Teaching always has been a challenging and exhausting job unto itself, much less when you're not getting lots of sleep and at a baby's beck and call at all hours. It's really more than I ever imagined, and don't know how people do it. But I guess they do it every day, and we only have two more weeks to go until school is out for the summer.

Re: Weight.
After having bloodwork and finding out that Jack possibly has low levels of growth hormone, we went back into see Dr. Ginsburg on Friday. Turns out he'd gained 10oz in 15 days, which she was happy with - it's about 3/4oz a day, and they like to see a gain of 1/2 to 1 oz per day. Good job Jack!!!

Re: Thrush.
Take Three.
Honestly, I don't know how we'll get through this again! This time, Jack is on oral Diflucan instead of the topical Nystatin, so hopefully it'll work a bit better. I'm just looking forward to the day when feeding isn't so stressful and time-consuming; hopefully it'll be sooner rather than later :)

Re: New Accomplishments and Hobbies.
Jack has been quite the busy little man lately! Some of his latest adventures include:
  • Finding his feet - he grabbed onto them for the first time a couple of days ago, and goes crazy kicking the hanging rattle on his playmat. He also has woken me up kicking and banging his feet in the bassinet. It's pretty funny - you'll look over and all you see is two little feet in the air and then "ka-boom" on the mattress :)
  • Being SO aware - he is looking for things and focusing on them and enjoying them. He loves sitting in his bouncy seat and playing with the animals. He also looks right at you when you call his name and "talks" to you - making all kinds of sounds and expressions. It's amazing how alert and expressive he is lately! We are enjoying him so much!
  • Holding things - he likes to grab onto your fingers with both hands when you give him his binky and hold tight. He also puts his hands around his bottle and holds onto it. And he loves to pat my hair for some reason - it always makes him smile :)
  • Noticing the dogs - he loves to look at the dogs, especially Lucy. She greets him every morning by sticking her nose in the bassinet and he always grins at her. And he makes the funniest faces when they give him kisses!

Well, speaking of Lucy-goosey, she's developed a real problem with peeing. We noticed she had been going in the house the past couple of weeks, but chalked it up to her being pissed that Jack was getting so much attention. But just this weekend, she's been peeing everywhere, even stopping in the middle of coming downstairs to go there. I'm worried about it, and we'll call the vet tomorrow to make her an appointment. In the meantime, I think I'm going to get her some doggie diapers because she's now gone on two pieces of furniture and I don't want the house to be destroyed before we can figure out what's causing it and hopefully stop it! So, keep the goose in your good thoughts that it's just something that's easily (and inexpensively) fixed...

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