Monday, April 27, 2009

More 5/6 Week Pictures...

Jack at 6 Weeks

Jack with the great Dr. Penn

Jack and bff Jake

Ellie finally holding Jack @ 5 weeks old!

Ready for Kendall's 2nd birthday party


Jack was 6 weeks old on Thursday, and he's really becoming quite the character :)

Some of his latest activities - smiling in response to people, kicking and becoming very aware of his arms and legs, holding his head up for longer periods of time, sometimes sleeping for 5 hours (!!!) at night, and "talking" to you. He is more and more aware of his surroundings every day and is really becoming a 'big boy' :)

He's very advanced you know......

Friday, April 17, 2009

Still more pictures (see posts below...)

More 4/5 Week Pictures (see previous post below)

Jack is 5 Weeks Old!

Athan likes to point out and name Jack's body parts :)


Letting out a big scream.

Power to the babies!

This is why I rarely post anymore!

Jack is now 5 weeks old, which basically means that he is running our lives these days! I apologize for rarely posting anymore - I am so sleep deprived most days and take any chance I get when he's napping or being held by someone else to get some rest myself. Hopefully it will get easier soon!

The past few days, Jack has started "talking" to us - making little noises in response to us talking to him or to something that he sees. He has started to really love the play mat that cousin Jenni sent him - he'll lay there and look at the toys and try to grab them with his little (well, big) hands. He also discovered himself in the mirror on the mat this morning - I tried to get it on video, not sure how that turned out!
Unfortunately, he seems to be sleeping less right now. He's really fighting sleep during the day (I can't believe he's sleeping for more than 5 minutes now!), and almost seems to wake himself up just as he's drifting off. He has been crying more as well, which from what I've read makes sense since crying supposedly peaks around 6 weeks. Still, it's hard to deal with, if only because I don't like to see him upset! He also seems to have spent most of the past couple of nights either eating or playing/fussing in his bassinet. I'm assuming he needs to sleep at some point ~ hopefully he'll realize that sometime soon :)

Most importantly, I'm posting pictures from the past couple of weeks, including Easter at Pocci's house, a cookout with Seth's family at our house, and his latest adventures on his play mat.

I promise to eventually be better at posting on here, as well as making and answering phone calls. I swear we are still just really overwelmed right now, and even though I (we) do think of everyone - a lot - it's hard to find time for the phone. Love to all though, and hope we can see all of our loved ones soon...