Monday, January 5, 2009

More sad news...

My aunt Gwen passed away on Friday after battling several illnesses for a few years. If anything, Gwen was unique and I'm glad I got a chance to know her better as an adult. I wish I could be in South Carolina with mom's family tomorrow for the funeral, but I am not really comfortable traveling at this point.

I also heard today from my friend Jessica from high school. She was due 11 days after me, and lost her son at 30 weeks on Friday. She hadn't felt him move for more than a day, and found out at the hospital that his little heart had stopped. She had to deliver him, and they said the cord had gotten wrapped around his neck. I just can't imagine what she's going through right now and it's just breaking my heart.

So if you get a chance, please send your good thoughts and prayers. thanks.


Elephant Steps said...

Sorry to hear about your aunt. I don't even know your friend but I literally just got choked up reading about losing her son. I'm 29 weeks with a boy. I can't even imagine. :( I am so SO sad for her!!

Kami said...

I am so sorry to hear about your aunt and your friend! I'm 32 weeks right now and I just can't even imagine having to go through something like that. It is just heartbreaking. I will keep you in my thoughts!