Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Just an update...

We had a follow-up appointment with the doctor today. Here are the "highlights":
  • I will be on the terbutaline for another two weeks, until about 36 1/2 weeks, at which time I'll be 'allowed' to go into labor. Let's hope he comes soon after that!
  • They offered me another drug "procardia" instead of the terb. since it is making me really shaky and jittery. However, the side effect of that is horrible headaches, so I decided to stick with the known evil.
  • Even though I won't have the same restrictions in a couple of weeks, they don't want me returning to work until after the baby is born.
  • My blood pressure was finally normal. Two weeks ago it was really low (80/50), in the hospital it was high (140something/80something), but today it was back in my normal range - 128/70. My swelling is almost all gone too from resting, so Seth can no longer make fun of my ankles (or lack thereof) and call me Frodo or Shallow Hal.
  • Seth tattled on me to Dr. Penn. We weren't even seeing him today, but saw him in the hallway where Seth proceeded to tell him that I was washing dishes and doing laundry since "I won't listen to him"! It was kind of funny, but I did get reprimanded a bit ;)

As for me, as long as I take my medication on schedule (every 6 hours), I only have about one contraction during that time. If I forget to take it, or first thing in the morning, they're almost constant and kinda painful.

I'm just really excited to meet the little guy at this point! Hopefully he'll make his appearance in about 3 weeks so that we have plenty of time to spend together before I have to go back to work :)

1 comment:

Kami said...

Hang in there - it will all be worth it!