Monday, June 28, 2010

A new leaf

I've been wanting to change the look of the blog for a while, so I took a few moments to do that this morning. While I was working on it, Jack decided his job would be to bring me all of our coasters from the living room, one by one. I guess I shouldn't wonder why the kid doesn't gain much weight!

I know I've said it before, but he really is the neatest little kid. He's into giving hugs and kisses right now and makes sure I get several each day. Of course, this is because he is currently having major separation anxiety issues w/me. He does not want to go to anyone else, and will even cry if I leave him in bed w/Seth in the morning to get dressed 5 feet away. On one hand, I do love that he wants to be with me so much. On the other hand, it really doesn't allow me much of a break; even if I do give/leave him w/someone else I feel guilty as he's screaming "Mama".

What else is he doing? He loves saying "Oh no" when something doesn't go his way. He also says it and waves bye-bye when Dora is over and the credits are rolling. Too funny. He loves his lawnmower and shopping cart, and can say "lawnmower". He claps when he does something he's proud of. He adores the dogs and calls them in the morning. He loves his car that we push him around in - he 'drives' and beeps the horn and would probably be content doing that all day. We went to Storyville on Friday and he was obsessed w/the toy magnetic trains. Just kept pushing them around saying "Choo choo". Ummm...he says "shoes" and gets them and sits down when you tell him to put them on. He also is shaking his head "no" (too funny) when he means no and says "ok" to agree with you. He is a really, really verbal child and he cracks me up.

Jack has a crazy sense of humor. He gets a twinkle in his eye and likes to play tricks on you, like hiding somewhere and then running out, or pretending he has something in his mouth and then sticking his tongue out. He's even taken to laughing out loud at antics like this! Just cracking himself up too I guess :)

He is down to the 5th %ile for weight at his 15-month appointment. We think he's just a super skinny boy, but will be on the lookout for a few different things heading into our 18-month appt. Pretty much we'd be watching for his height to drop, or his weight to fall again. They would have to do testing again at that point, which I really want to avoid. So we're giving him some pediatric ensure once a day now to try and see if that helps. What didn't help was a few days of vomiting last week, but he's doing great now!

We have lots going on, and it's great to be home for the (short) summer to spend this time with Jack. I will update pictures later this week :)