Saturday, January 23, 2010

Jack is Ten Months Old!

It's so hard to believe that my sweet baby will be a year old in less than two months. He is turning into such a neat little kid. Right now, he's sitting in his high chair next to me eating fruit cocktail and watching "Yo Gabba Gabba" (see pictures!). This is by far my favorite age so far!

Jack is...

  • Saying "mmmmooo" when you ask him what the cow says;
  • Saying "vroooom" when he pushes around his trucks and tractors;
  • Saying "Bye Bye" whenever anyone picks up keys or puts on a coat;
  • Saying "MamaDada" or "Dadamama" when he wakes up in the morning and wants out of his crib;
  • Saying "Hi" when you first see him;
  • Saying "ball" whenever he sees something round;
  • Saying "baaaaa" for his bottle;
  • Using his 5 teeth (2 top, 3 bottom) to eat just about everything! He especially loves scrambled eggs with ketchup, tofu with spaghetti sauce, yogurt, mandarin oranges and roasted veggies (eggplant, squash, zucchini). He's also been eating a lot of chicken soup with veggies and loves that too.
  • Raising his hands up in the air when you say "Touchdown" (finally!)


  • He's spent some time at school with me on early dismissal days, and loves running up and down the hallways (screeching!) in his walker;
  • He's excited (well, I am) about starting at a new daycare next week. His nanny up and quit on us and I couldn't be happier that he's now going to be with a couple of other kids his age in a pre-school-like atmosphere. The woman who runs it is one of my students' moms and she's great.
  • He played a trick on us while eating dinner. He hid a puff in his hand until 1/2 way through the meal, when he shoved it in his mouth and laughed with this mischevious expression on his face. It was so funny to see him thinking it through and being proud of himself for tricking us!
  • He's taking about a 1 1/2 hour nap around lunchtime. He loves sleeping in his carseat for his nap!
  • He loves going to Eri's Broadneck basketball games. He watches and keeps saying "ball" and really loves the cheerleaders and baton twirlers. :)
  • He adores having his ears cleaned! When you put the Q-tip in his ear he gets this silly grin on his face and closes his eyes. I have got to get this on video!

For anyone who's interested...Jack's first birthday party will be Saturday, March 13th, the day after his actual birthday. Save the date!

That's all I can think of at the moment...I know there's lots more! I will post more pictures, and also links to Jack's YouTube videos later this weekend...