Friday, September 18, 2009

Jack at 6 Months

My Angel is Already Six Months Old...

Can you believe that Jack is already a half-year old? On one hand, it seems as though he's been here and a part of our lives forever while on the other hand, he is turning into such an independent little boy and I feel like he was just a snuggly little newborn a few days ago. I expect this is 'normal' and something we will continue to experience throughout his life, and yet it still rings bittersweet to me.

Life has really changed a lot lately. I am back to school, and have been for about a month now. Jack is with his nanny, Ana, during the day and loves being with her which is such a blessing for Seth and I. To not have to worry about him at all during the day is an amazing feeling, especially since I have a class that is really keeping me on my toes this year. Let's just say I will prove to be one of the world's best teachers if I make it through the year, but that's an entirely different story best left for another day. :)

So, back to Jack! He is babbling all the time now. This morning he woke up and was just playing and talking in his crib as we listened to him on the monitor. He's been doing a lot of "mmmmm"s lately, but also can just throw out a stream of random sounds and syllables. Too funny.

Jack is also able to pull himself around wherever he wants to go. We figured this out one day a couple of weeks ago when there was a remote on the other side of the bed and he pulled, pushed and rolled his way to it. Typical male, right?!? But it seems like he'll be crawling anytime now as he's really got the scooting thing down and just needs to put a few things together to get it all working. And, oh, will we have our hands full then...

What else? He absolutely adores his jumperoo, and can stay in there perfectly content for a 1/2 hour or so now. He also has a little plastic set of keys that he likes and a electronic piano-type toy that he is thrilled to bang on!

Oh, and he's now eating formula and solid food! He doesn't really care for cereal, so we're having to mix it in with his food to get him to eat it as it seems he needs it for iron and zinc. Some foods he's really liked are applesauce, pears, bananas, prunes, watermelon, and plums. He's not wild about the veggies like peas and sweet potatoes, but will eat them if you trick him :) We're trying to do organic, and have been able to feed him pears and watermelon straight from Pocci's garden. I've also made apples, bananas, plums and sweet potatoes. I'm freezing them in ice cube trays and then putting them in baggies to keep frozen. It's actually pretty simple as long as I can find the time and energy to do it!

The other great thing about it is that I'm now only breastfeeding him at night as of this week since he seems to prefer formula in his bottle. What a huge weight off my shoulders - I was spending any free time I had during the day pumping and it had me totally exhausted, behind and ill-prepared for school at times. Whoo-hoo!

Jack's six-month stats:
Weight ~ 15 lbs 4 oz (20th percentile)
Height ~ 26 1/2 inches (50th percentile)
Head ~ 45 cm (92nd percentile) - that's because he's so smart :)

I will do my best to keep up with posting from now on. Wish us luck!