Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Jack - Christmas/9 Month Update

Well, here we are about to start the new year, and so much has been going on in our lives! Jack is such an absolute joy to be around these days, and we are enjoying the Christmas break and the chance that we have to be with him full-time. Not that there aren't moments when we are going nuts and could use some kind of break, but he is just so much fun and so interesting to be around right now! Here's what he's up to:
  • He just started pointing at things yesterday - things he wants (like juice when he's eating), and things that he's curious about (the new dog bowl);
  • He is standing and 'cruising' around - he pulls himself up onto a piece of furniture and walks his way to the other end to get where he wants to go. He also is loving his new toy from Aunt Jackie - a lion that he can stand behind and push. I can't believe how well he does walking behind it!
  • He is waving and saying "bye-bye" when someone is leaving. He also says dada and mama.
  • He still thinks the dogs are hilarious, and loves nothing more than to chase them in his walker.
  • He gives kisses like crazy, and then gives this cute look like, "I know that made you happy!";
  • He loves chasing and being chased around our kitchen island;
  • Mickey Mouse is by far his favorite - when Mickey Mouse Clubhouse comes on in the mornings, he gets an enormous smile on his face and waves his hands!
  • He is eating lots of solid foods now. This week he's tried grilled cheese and pasta bites. He also loves french toast and pancakes. Look out world!
  • Teeth are continuing to come in. He has his two bottom teeth in all their glory, and the two top teeth broke through in the past couple of days. He's now working on his bottom incisors. Fun, fun, fun. Tylenol is a way of life these days!
  • He loves to snuggle in bed for 1/2 hour or so in the mornings. He moves back and forth between the two of us, putting his head down to watch Mickey in a variety of odd positions :)

Christmas was great. We did Pocci's house for Christmas Eve, as usual (the 7 fishes). Lots of family there, and Jack had a wonderful time celebrating with all of his girl cousins. I honestly didn't see him for much of the night! And mom, Brian and Leah showed up late and then spent Christmas morning with us. Unfortunately, Jack was sick with a chest cold, and so didn't get too into his presents. But he perked up by the time they left early afternoon, and had a great time at Grandma and Grandpa B's house for Christmas dinner. He especially liked the boombox that Grandpa B. picked out for him. He may still be musically inclined!

All in all, I am totally in love and infatuated with my nine-month-old little boy. He is the most wonderful little creature ~ so smart, so kind, and so spirited. I can't wait to see what the next year holds...

Friday, December 18, 2009


So, we're waiting for the "BIG" snow to arrive. We had to cancel our weekend plans to travel up to Lititz, PA with Seth's family in case all h*&$ breaks loose here. I will definitely take the opportunity this weekend to post Jack's Christmas pictures, as well as lots of cute other photos and updates about what he's doing. His latest though is saying "ba ba" as he waves goodbye :) And also he's started chasing the dogs to play with them in his walker. He thinks it's hilarious - they aren't too amused ;)

Thursday, December 3, 2009